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An entire mural was painted on the 4 walls (including windows, doors, pipes, chimneys, etc..) of this nursery school and a home for displaced children.
Year: 2008
Title: Continentes
Lead Artists: Verónica y Christina Werckmeister.
Assistants: Miren Elorrieta y Begoña Fernández
Intern Assistant: Estibaliz Vera
Location: Cantón de Santa María s/n
Best view: Cantón de Santa María, Calle San Vicente de Paul, Calle Bueno Monreal
Continents was completed in 6 weeks of intense artistic and physical work. Before this intervention, the grey and depressing building did not reflect the laughter inside: a nursery school and a home for displaced children. 18 people participated in the workshop, including mothers and fathers of children attending the school, teachers and workers, as well as neighbors and people from other parts of the city.
The group chose to represent animals from different parts of the world to exemplify the diversity within nature and society, while at the same time creating images that were recognizable and attractive to the children attending the school.
The Department of Education of Vitoria-Gasteiz was key in recovering this building. Not only was it esthetically improved but structurally as well: the roof was repaired, terrace, etc...
Norberto Fuente Marín, Rosa Elena Márquez Gómez, Noemi Navas Torre, Jaione Aiala Leiza, Jaime Alejandro Cornelio Yacaman, Mari Zurbano, Oscar Sebastian Bataglia Gimenez, Abdou-Aziz Drame, Jose Diaz Diaz, Ramón Goñi, Adnan El Imrani, Nerea Egurcegui, Omar Ka, Monica San Juan Rios, Bakartxo Pollacino Luis, Lourdes Gil, Barbara, Marta Gil.
Watch how the building is transformed, little by little, and by many hands!
Tlf: +34-647 629 300
Puerto de Herrera, s/n
Vitoria-Gasteiz (Alava)
01013 Spain
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