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This is the IMVG, a tool for public, community expression. We invite you to see the murals, meet some of the artists and, why not to participate in or support the creation of new murals and public art projects. If you´re planning a visit to Vitoria-Gasteiz, you might want to take a guided tour of the murals!
Jonan Fernández, secretary General for Peace and Co-existence, called on politacl parties to "permanent dialog" in order to reach "consensus for co-existence". Fernández spoke at the official dedication of the mural Giltza Bat / A Key, organized by the City Council of Bilbao and other social agents in support of the Cultura of Peace and non-violence on the occasion of International Peace Day, which commemorates the death of Mahatma Gandhi.
The secretary general for Peace and co-existence, Jonan Fernández, called on the political parties to intensify dialogue as a means to reaching "conseunsus for co-existence" ". Fernández spoke at the institutional dedication of the Mural Giltza Bat / A Key, organized by the city of Bilbao and various social agents, in an event in support of the culture of peace and non-vioence on the occasion of the International Peace Day , celebrated each year of the anniversary of the death of Mahatma Gandhi.
Tlf: +34-647 629 300
Puerto de Herrera, s/n
Vitoria-Gasteiz (Alava)
01013 Spain
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© itinerario muralístico, La ciudad pintada es un proyecto de Werckmeister S.L