Eskuz Esku (Mosaic) · Itinerario muralístico de Vitoria-Gasteiz

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Eskuz Esku


Full-screenYear: 2010
Lead Artist: John Pitman Weber
Assistant: Alicia Vallejo Sanz
Size: 50 m2
Location: Calle Herrería 86, Zapatería 79
Best view: Cantón de las Carnicerías


Eskuz Esku means "hand to hand" in Basque
This hand-made ceramic, glass-tile and mirror mosaic is part of ESKUZ ESKU: 2 painted mural facades and the mosaicrunning along the base of both.

The mosaic develops the theme of hands that produce creatively, and that are tools for work. It adds the notion of communication to the mural group as a whole by using texts in various languages to transmit notions of neighborhood, peace, growth, etc... Texts are purposely left untranslated to encourage intercultural communication.



Lourdes Carrascal Martin, Esther Barredo Vesga, Kitz Mendiola, Agurtzane Diaz Elizondo, Blanca Fraile, Belén Urutxurtu Argiñano, Peio Marquijano Trapaga, Joaquin Montans, Houria Kbabou

Brush Brigades

Fadua El Fakihi Almukadem, María del Mar Martínez Caseras, Thierno Diallo, Sergio Bragado Revidiego


Can over 50, from all walks of life, people get together to create a public work of art in their city? What a great responsibility! What a great challenge to overcome together!

We invite you to witness the transformation of space and people, individuals and society. This videos was created in a mini filmmaking-workshop directed by Astrid Oster and Aitor García Gilete, with the participation 3 youth employees: Leyre Bermeosolo Bidasolo, Joel Pérez Bruña, e Itsaso Perales Barrón.

Eskuz Esku trailer

Mosaic · Gallery

Designing We´ve got a sketch! working! starting to put up the mosaic working! Color! Preparing the colored grout more color! Teamwork!

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Itinerario muralistico La ciudad pintada

Un proyecto de: Werckmeister - change through art

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Vitoria-Gasteiz (Alava)
01013 Spain

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