Life on the wall: Blog · Itinerario muralístico de Vitoria-Gasteiz

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mural etsa detras

life on the wall- blog

A window into the process of collaborative muralism

You are invited to observe the creative process from the inside. Each mural is an adventure, and this mural is no different. The people "behind" the mural are people like you and me. Erika tells us in words with daily blog entries, Mikel with incredible portraits, and guest bloggers offer their own contributions, ideas, opinions, contextualization, etc.

Follow the blog, share and enjoy this virtual tour of the process.

Itinerario muralistico La ciudad pintada

Un proyecto de: Werckmeister - change through art

Tlf: +34-647 629 300
Puerto de Herrera, s/n
Vitoria-Gasteiz (Alava)
01013 Spain

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© itinerario muralístico, La ciudad pintada es un proyecto de Werckmeister S.L