San Roman de San Millan · Itinerario muralístico de Vitoria-Gasteiz

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Working, playing, creating


Year: 2011
Lead Artists:Estibaliz Vera and Marta Gil Estremiana
Size: 100 m2
Location: San Roman de San Millan


Muralism as a tool to bring towns together and shorten distances.

Following the succes of the community mural in  Ordoñana, once again the townspeople of San Millán  (Alava)came together to paint a new mural, this time about t agrictultural work as well as and traditional games.  Brainstorming the ideas was also an opportunity to addresss gender equality in the rural econtext.
The work of a local artist insprired the wonderfully colorful trees!


People of all ages from various towns across the county of San Millan.

San Roman de San Millan - Gallery

trees wideangle First start ladder breaking bread girl boy painting Sara sokatira

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Itinerario muralistico La ciudad pintada

Un proyecto de: Werckmeister - change through art

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01013 Spain

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