Alegría · Itinerario muralístico de Vitoria-Gasteiz

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Year: 2012
Lead Artist: Veronica Werckmeister
Assistant: Ana Diaz de Espada y Amaia Gómez
Size: 100 m2
Location: Calle Torrondoa, Alegria, Alava


Muralism as a tool to bring towns together and shorten distances.

The murla in Algría-Dulantzi is the product of an artistic colaboration beween townspeople and local artists. The process sought to express ideas on social cohesion and peace. The mural was finance by Fundazioa 2012, a program of the Basque government menat to celebrate 2012 as the "Year of Cultures for Peace and Freedom".

The mural depicts a women who throwing hay into the sky, as the fall the straws turn into words: love, respect, peace and welcome in sSpanish, Basque, English and Arabic.

The background is a reproduction of original ceramic tiles located a few meters from the site on the entrance of the convent.


Townspeople 18 years and older who participated voluntarily as collaborating artists

Alegría-Dulantzi - Gallery

Finished mural. Designing Brainstorming Voluntarios Brainstorming High up on the scaffold painting flowers Painting. Giant poppies. Painting poppies. Friends on the scaffold. Anuka Details. Ants. Painting. Hot on the scaffold. Touch ups. More details. Prepared to paint. more color! Getting comfy painting... hello! hello!

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Itinerario muralistico La ciudad pintada

Un proyecto de: Werckmeister - change through art

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01013 Spain

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